Hamas attacks Israeli forces in Gaza amid ceasefire extension efforts

Israeli forces in the northern Gaza Strip were targeted by three explosive devices in two separate incidents on Tuesday afternoon in violation of the ceasefire agreements between Israel and Hamas, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

Additionally, shots were fired at Israeli forces in one of the incidents. Several soldiers were lightly wounded in the attacks and IDF soldiers responded by firing at the sources of gunfire. The IDF has stayed within the agreed-upon lines of the ceasefire, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit stressed.

Hamas claims Israel violated ceasefire

Shortly before the IDF statement about the incident, the spokesperson for Hamas’s al-Qassam Brigades Abu Obeidah claimed that Israeli forces had committed a “clear violation” of the ceasefire in the northern Gaza Strip and that Hamas had “dealt with this violation.”

Destroyed buildings lay in ruin in Gaza, as seen from southern Israel, during the temporary truce between Hamas and Israel, November 25, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/ALEXANDER ERMOCHENKO)

“We are committed to the truce as long as the enemy has committed to it, and we call on the mediators to pressure the occupation to adhere to all the terms of the truce on the ground and in the air,” said Abu Obeidah.

Palestinian media claimed that shortly after the reported incident, Israeli fighter jets were scrambled over the Gaza Strip.

Read More: Hamas attacks Israeli forces in Gaza amid ceasefire extension efforts

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