Cops: Man Killed Wife, Their 3 Children, Teen Relative

A Canadian man has been charged with five counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of his wife, three young children, and a 17-year-old female relative, per the AP. Royal Canadian Mounted Police say Ryan Howard Manoakeesick, 29, has been charged in the deaths of his 30-year-old wife and the couple’s 6-year-old daughter, 4-year-old son, and 2-month-old daughter, as well as the wife’s 17-year-old niece. The five died Sunday at multiple crime scenes in and around the town of Carman, about 50 miles southwest of Winnipeg.

Police responded to a hit-and-run and found the woman lying dead in a ditch on Sunday morning. More than two hours later and 44 miles to the north, officers were called to a report of a burning vehicle and found the children outside the car. They were pronounced dead at the scene. Police took Manoakeesick of Carman into custody before discovering the body of the teen girl at a home in Carman. Police said autopsies were being conducted and declined to provide further details as the investigation continues. Carman Mayor Brent Owen said the whole community has been affected by the tragedy. “It’s just absolutely horrific,” he said. “This is a dark time in Manitoba,” added Premier Wab Kinew.

(More Canada stories.)

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Read More: Cops: Man Killed Wife, Their 3 Children, Teen Relative

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